Dear Friends,
Sunday, 1 February marks the first major festival in the year — Lord Nityananda’s Appearance Anniversary. We are hosting an all-day festival. Please take advantage and spend as much time as you can at the temple. See poster for details.
Bhakti, My Choice – A New Course for Girls
One of our 2015 goals is to encourage, interact and provide more facility for our youth. This fresh course for girls aged between 12 to 17yrs aims to broaden their spiritual experience. Learn devotional arts (playing instruments, Deity worship, presenting philosophy, book distribution, harinam and more) among friends and boost self confidence. Our aim is to help our youth be comfortable in their devotional identity and give them reasons and experiences to help them choose bhakti.
Saturdays (starting January 31st), from 5pm to 7pm. Please contact Rukmini on 0845791080 or
Life Lessons from the Bhagavatam
Fulfilling another goal: to equip devotees through study of scripture, we invite you to join this class. This open course allows both the beginner and the old-timer entrance into the Bhagavatam by meeting the great personalities in its pages. Series One, Dhruva Lila, focuses on the lessons of hope, faith, and determination.
Starts Thursday, January 29th from 6pm to 8pm in Srila Prabhupada’s Room. Course facilitator is Rukmini Devi Dasi.
Your Week Ahead
Friday, 30 January
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans and legumes
Fast until midday for Lord Varaha (The boar incarnation of the Lord.)
We fast today in order to break the Ekadasi fast within the allocated time tomorrow.
Lord Varaha’s Appearance Anniversary
Break fast: 05:23 – 09:53
Maha Harinam
3:00pmStarting at Unit 1 Shopping Centre, Chatsworth (please see poster for more details)
Lord Nityananda’s Appearance Anniversary
Fast until midday
Come and hear from His Grace Kshudi Prabhu and His Grace Suresvara Prabhu. See poster for details.
Tuesday, 3 February
7:45amSrimad Bhagavatam Class with Suresvara Prabhu
7:00pmSarnia Nama-hatta with Suresvara Prabhu
Wednesday, 4 February
7:00pmSrila Prabhupada Evening with Suresvara Prabhu.
Light prasada will be served.
The 6 page wall and 12 page desk top calendars have been marked down from R25 to R15.
His Grace Suresvara Prabhu will be presenting his course Srila Prabhupada — The Founder Acharya next weekend (7-8 February). There are two sessions on Saturday, 7 February: Session 1 begins at 9:30am and Session 2 begins at 12:00pm. The final instalment is on Sunday, 8 February at 11:00am.
As always, we look forward to seeing you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
T: 031 4033328 | F: 031 4034429 | |
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