2023 Deity Festival Sponsorship

Festivals offer the opportunity to express heartfelt appreciation for the Deities: Sri Sri Radha Radhanath, Sri Giriraj Govardhan, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and the Acharyas (saints). This is possible through numerous personal services. On festival days, the Deity worship is expanded with extra food offerings, elaborate garlands, new outfits & jewelry, and intricate decor. It is understood that the Deities are more merciful on festival days and such days are known as the “mothers of devotion.” We endeavour to allow as many people direct access to the Deities as possible. Worship of the Deities is reserved for specifically trained pujaris, so we have devised a way by which anyone can render personal service to the Lord by sponsoring the items used in the worship. You are invited to sponsor according to you means any item/s available on this list

Process for Booking Festival Sponsorships

1. Select your offering/s by using the booking reference/s. (e.g.: Altar Decor GP1)

2. Contact the TCK office via WhatsApp on 063 297 4398 with the following details
Your name and surname
Booking reference (e.g.: Altar Decor GP1)
3. Availability of offering/s will be indicated via WhatsApp
4. If the offering is available, use the banking details below and send proof of payment
Account Name: ISKCON KZN
Account Number: 1322059578
Account type: Current
Branch: Chatsworth
Branch code: 132226
Recipient Reference: Booking Reference (e.g.:Altar Decor GP1)
Payment From: Your Name and Surname

“Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform – do that, O son of Kuntī, as an offering to Me.” Bhagavad Gita 9:27