Your Personal Invite to Durban Festival of Chariots Launch!
Were you at the Sunday love feast? Did you catch His Holiness Indradyumna Swami’s personal invite to the launch of the silver jubilee Festival of Chariots? If not,

here’s a sneak peak…
This is going to be the 25th anniversary, a great milestone . And we’re going to have a special presentation on Wednesday. I’d like you all to come, I’d like all the devotees to come. Anyone who is connected directly, indirectly, (or) indirectly indirectly. Everyone should come because this is a combined effort. It’s like our family. It’s like the pride of our family actually, that we’re able to put together this festival every year.
This wednesday (12/12/12) at Sri Sri Radha-Radhanatha Temple with Indradyumna Swami, Bhakti Caitanya Swami and Kadamba Kanana Swami. Don’t miss it! A once in a century event!