Dear Friends,
Please accept our best wishes.
Just over nine weeks to the Durban Festival of Chariots! If you do not have any service during the festival as yet we invite you to contact Bhava-bhakti Dasi on 0712434179 to find out how you can contribute to this exciting festival. This year the Durban Festival of Chariots is like no other and as the hosts there are ample ways to get involved and be part of this historical event.
For those of you planning your travel and accommodation in Durban over the festival, please note that the chariot procession will be held on Friday, 29 March at 10.30am. The procession is two hours only and there will be NO night procession on Monday, 1 April.
Ksudhi Das, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, is still staying with us and you can associate with him at the following events:
Wednesday, 23 January
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple at 7pm
Thursday, 24 January
Asherville Nama Hatta at 7pm
Friday, 25 January
Stanger Nama-hatta at 7pm
On Sunday, 27 January we celebrate Chandan Yatra! Do not miss this beautiful darshan of Their Lordships covered with chandan paste to cool Them from the Durban summer.
Love Feast Lecture by Swarup Damodar Das at 4pm, together with the honouring of the devotees who participated in the Srila Prabhupada Summer Book Marathon.
You can come by the temple to help grind chandan wood into paste from today until Saturday. This service is a rare opportunity as generally not everyone has the opportunity to render direct personal service to Sri Sri Radha Radhanath.
Community Ista Gosthi on 3 February 2013 at 2pm in Srila Prabhupada’s room with the temple management (Swarup Damodar and Vibhu Caitanya and their team).
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple

Fax: 031 4034429