Dear Friends,
We all eagerly anticipate the annual exciting all day festival to celebrate Sri Radhastami, the appearance anniversary of Srimati Radharani, the supreme Goddess of Fortune and Devotion on Tuesday, 2 September. Everybody — from our babies to our respected elders, serious practitioners to first time visitors — can be part of the festival and use the opportunity to render direct service to Srimati Radharani on this day. We have organized to following activities for you:
Flowering Orchid Plants
We are doing a special orchid flower display for Srimati Radharani on the altar. You are invited to bring a flowering orchid on either the Monday (the day before) or on Tuesday (not later than 10am). These plants will then make up Sri Sri Radha Radhanath’s own orchid garden.
Cake Offerings
You can bake and decorate a cake for Srimati Radharani. Minimum requirement is that you must be first initiated. If you are not initiated then you can assist your initiated friends by helping with the decorating of the cakes. All cakes must be presented on a cake board. Please note cake offerings will be accepted only until 10am.
Flower Offerings
Srimati Radharani loves flowers. You can get a bouquet or posy from our Sri Radhe Flower Shop situated at the entrance to the temple. Prices of the posies and bouquets range from R5 (for the young ones), to R20 and R30. If you want to order something special, you can write to us. We will also have greeting cards on sale.
Letters to Radharani
Everyone is encouraged to write a a poem, prayer, or letter to Srimati Radharani. Birthday cards/letters/messages will be offered to Her lotus feet. You can send Her your birthday card to the temple in the following ways: snail mail, by hand, on Facebook (on the “Letters to Radharani” post, which will be pinned to the top), on Twitter, or email. Please encourage and help your young ones in this direct devotion to Sri Radha. If need be, you can also get a card from the Sri Radha Flower Shop. All these messages will be directly presented to Srimati Radharan on the temple altar.
Gift Offerings
Just as we take a gift when attending a birthday celebration, you can also bring gift for Srimati Radharani. You may consult the deity department heads for a gift register. (Pralambari Das: 072 800 8329, and Deva Deva Das: 076 178 6850
Sri Radhastami
The Appearance Anniversary of Srimati Radharani
2 September 2014
Noon Fast
Program Schedule
4.30amMangal arati (darshan of the Deities in Their 1st new outfit), Tulasi Puja, Japa
7.00amSrila Prabhupada’s Guru Puja
7.15amSrimad Bhagavatam class with His Grace Lalitanath Prabhu (author of Rethinking Darwin)
8.00amGreeting of the Deities in Their 2nd new outfit
10.00amAbhisek ceremony of Sri Sri Radha Radhanath
11.30amClass with His Grace Ganganarayan Prabhu (Prabhu is the co-president of ISKCON Ujjain and on the sannyasa [renounced order] list)
12.30pmCake darshan, Arati & kirtan
1.30pmPrasada feast
7.00pmArati and kirtan
7.30pmRadharani bhajan and drama
8.00pmClass by His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami
9.00pmDarshan of the Deities in Their 3rd new outfit, arati and kirtan
In preparation of Radhastami, Partha Sarathi Maharaj will be giving the talk at the Sunday Love Feast (31 August at 3pm) and you can read Caitanya Caritamrita Adi-lila, Chapter 4, Krishna Book, and Nectar of Devotion.
You can hear/download His Grace Subha Vilas Prabhu’s talks at
And a friendly reminder for your attendance and participation at the ISKCON KZN istaghosti set for this Saturday, 30 August at 3pm.
We look forward to celebrating Sri Radhastami with you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
T: 031 4033328 | F: 031 4034429 | |
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