The Week Ahead

Week Ahead
Dear Friends,

Janmashtami is just around the corner and there will be numerous celebrations all over KZN. The July/August 2013 Hare Krishna News highlights all these events. You can download/view the latest edition at


Srila Prabhupada first published Back to Godhead (BTG) magazine in the 1950s and he referred to it as the backbone of ISKCON. We are the leading distributors of BTG outside of India. Today people have even less time for spiritual enquiry. BTG offers seekers light reading on spiritual subjects. With this in mind, we decided to make BTG more widely known and read and are hosting a marathon to increase the number of readers/subscribers to BTG. There are fantastic incentives to join the marathon and you can learn more about BTG and the marathon on Sunday during the Love Feast.


We were blessed with His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami’s association over the last few days. Although Maharaj was not well he gave two talks. You can listen to them on Sound Cloud:

Tuesday, 23 July 2013, A Journey of Faith

Wednesday, 24 July 2013, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.6


Saturday, 27 July
Srila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami’s Disappearance Anniversary
Morning class on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.7 with Swarup Damodar Das at 7.45am

Sunday, 28 July
Morning class on Caitanya Caritamrita, Madya-lila 1.1. with Saci Kumar Das at 7.45am
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Love Feast Special BTG Marathon Launch at 3pm. See poster for details.

Monday, 29 July
Morning class by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada at 7.45am

Tuesday, 30 July
Srila Lokanath Gosvami’s Disappearance Anniversary
Morning class on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.8 at 7.45am

Wednesday, 31 July 2013
The incorporation of ISKCON in New York
Morning class on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.9 at 7.45am

As always, we look forward to seeing you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,

Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple

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