Week Ahead 1-7 April 2021 – Lord Jagannath is Coming!

Dear Friends

I am sad that we cannot be in each other’s company celebrating the glories of Jagannath, Baladev & Subhadra Devi, and Srila Prabhupada over the Easter weekend. I pray to Lord Jagannath to keep everyone safe and that soon we can all be on the streets pulling His chariot and bringing Him to Vrindavan or the festival site. Thanks to the Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Festival Team (in affiliation with Food for Life) who wonderfully arranged Lord Jagannath’s mobile temple to tour parts of Durban and surrounding areas this weekend. Lord Jagannath, Baladev, and Subhadra Devi will give their darshan in the temple (SSRRT) from 8:30am before embarking on their tour. I look forward to Lord Jagannath’s darshan and His protection. Please let your family & friends know that they can come out and greet Lord Jagannath. Flower offerings will be provided and you may bring fruit offerings as well. Hare Krishna!

Your servant
Vibhu Caitanya Das

Lord Jagannath’s Mobile Temple
Contact Govindaji 082 320 9705
Friday 2 April – Chatsworth
10:30am Unit 11 Shopping Center, 218 High Terrace Crossmoor
12:00pm Unit 9 Shopping Center, 59 Moorcross Drive
1:30pm Unit 7 Shopping Center, Road 701 & 736
3:00pm Unit 3 Shopping Center, 201 Florence Nightingale Drive
4:00pm Unit 2 Shopping Center, 261 Pelican Drive

Saturday 3 April – Durban South
10:30am Merebank Shopping Center
12:00pm Orient Hills Shopping Center, Citrus Drive & Tangerine Grove
1:00pm Lotus Park Spar
2:00pm Malagazi, Postum Road
3:30pm Illovo Residential area

Sunday 4 April – Phoenix
10:30am Whitehouse Shopping Center, 102 Hill Head Dr, Mount Edgecombe
12:00pm Phoenix Plaza, 19 Parthenon St, Starwood
1:30pm Cnr Longbury Drive & Phoenix Highway
3:00pm Woodview Shopping Complex, 152 Viewhaven Dr, Woodview

Monday 5 April – Umgeni
10:00am Shannon Drive Shopping Centre, Reservoir Hills
11:30am Mountbatten Drive (opposite Checkers Shopping Center)
12:30pm China City, Springfield Park, Inanda Road
3:00pm Newlands City Centre, Newlands East

Sunday 4 April
Kirtan & Class @9:30am
Lord Jagannath’s Mercy
With Her Grace Vaishnavi Priya Dasi
Get your ticket/s here.

Wednesday 7 April
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans & legumes.

Thursday 8 April
Ekadasi Break Fast 06:10-10:01

The Protection Paradigm Episode 3
Emotional Health in Bhakti
with Her Grace Rambhoru Brinkmann Dasi (ACBSP)
Watch Episode 3 here
Gaurangi & Girisha interview Rambhoru Prabhu about personal mental health responsibility, ego blocks, & trust issues. Find us on Instagram@womenscollectivesa. Contact us: womenscollectivesa@gmail.com


Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Darshan
Monday–Saturday 8:30am-1pm
Sundays 11am-1pm
Note: Since this is a walk-through darshan only, you are welcome to rejoin the darshan queue as many times as you like. Strict COVID-19 safety protocols MUST be followed. The public toilets are CLOSED.

The Book Table is now OPEN
Operating times 8:30am-2pm daily.

Radhanath’s Gifts Pop-up Store
Now situated opposite the Book Table in the Temple.
Operating times 8:30am-2pm daily.

Govinda’s Pop-up Takeaway
Easter Weekend (2-5 April) Trading Times
WhatsApp 078 849 4291

Have you tried shopping on our ONLINE STORE?
We now deliver nationwide. You can SHOP ONLINE for Ekadasi products, dry goods, and Cowpathy personal & home care products. Go to our website.

How to Connect to the Temple?
031 403 3328 or WhatsApp 062 526 3606
Or email temple@iskcondurban.net