Dear Friends
His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami will be giving the morning class every day until Friday.
Govinda’s Pizzeria operation times:
Fridays 5–8pm
Saturdays 4–9pm
Sundays 11am–3pm
Your Week Ahead
Kirtanuity Night with Kadamba Kanana Swami
Kindly register for this event via
Durban Beachfront @ 10am.
Dress in your finest Vaishnava attire, sunglasses, sunhat and dancing shoes. Do not forget sunblock. The Harinam begins at Mini Town.
A bus will leave Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple at 9:30am.
Bhakti Theatre @6pm
Line Up:
5:45pm Kirtan
6:15pm Game Show
6:45pm Bharatanatyam Dance – Adi Apadem by Natya Kalai Merilyn
6:50pm Hip Hop Poetry with Saunaka Muni
7:05pm Interval
7:15pm Drama – Caitanya Yuga
7:45pm Kirtan with Kadamba Kanana Swami
BYS Cafe will be serving light snacks and drinks.
Sunday, 19 February
The Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture 2016 Graduation
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple @3pm
Graduates are requested to register at the BCEC Reception Desk in the Foyer by 2:15pm.
Wednesday, 22 February
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans and legumes.
Thursday, 23 February
Ekadasi Break Fast: 05:42 – 10:00
We look forward to seeing you at the temple.
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple