Lord Jagannatha’s Final Darshan
Dear Friends
Snana Yatra is the first official ceremony of the Ratha-yatra festival. It is the bathing ceremony of Their Lordships Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra Devi. Shortly after, Lord Jagannath falls ill and does not give His darshan. During His recuperation, the Lord is offered only kitchari with enriching vegetables, warm soups with puri, along with hot ginger & honey flavoured tea or milk.
It is understood among devotees of Lord Jagannath that if one makes the pilgrimage to see the Deity on this day, one will be cleansed of all of their sins. This will be the final darshan of Lord Jagannath until Sunday, 20 March.
We hope to see you for the Snana Yatra at New Jagannath Puri Temple on Sunday, 6 March at 11am. A bus offering free transport from Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple will leave at 10am and depart from New Jagannath Puri Temple in Phoenix at 2:30pm.
Saturday, 5 March
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans and legumes.
3:30pm Vaishnavi Sanga
Sunday, 6 March
Break Fast 05:50 – 10:01
ISKCON Ladysmith Ratha-yatra
Chariot procession begins at 9:30am from Meena Place
Monday, 7 March
Maha Shivaratri
Festival begins at 7pm
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple