Week Ahead 23 – 28 April

Dear Friends

Tshirt1We hoisted our 30th anniversary banner on the side of the temple bridge on Tuesday. Our Sri Sri Radha Radhanath have blessed us in innumerable ways. They have accepted our uninterrupted service since the temple opening in October 1985. Over the years we have been able to offer them a new altar, kitchen, dressing rooms, garland making rooms, sewing rooms, etc. They are the heart of this community. We will be sharing our celebration plans in the coming weeks. For now, we encourage all of you to proudly wear a 30th anniversary T-shirt, apron or bag (available at the temple gift store). 
Your Week Ahead
Sunday, 26 April 
3:00pmLove Feast with His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami

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DurbanKrishna on Instagram
DurbanKrishna (@durbankrishna) https://instagram/durbankrishna/
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KBYG Winter Retreat
Hosted by the Krishna Balaram Youth Group
2 – 5 July
Venue: Mount Aux Sources
Please contact Nandaraj at raj108@mweb.co.za  
IT Service Opportunity
Help with the integration of the CMS with SagePay.
The skills required are:
1. Web application development –  proficient in programming in PHP.
2. Experience with SQL database development.
3. Willing to offer their services on a purely voluntary bases as a service to the temple.
4. Willing to work according to a defined project plan with milestones.
5. Willing to offer dedicated time for the project to ensure complete focus on this service and timeous completion.
Please email sudeshs108@gmail.com
As always, we look forward to seeing you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
T: 031 4033328  |  F: 031 4034429  | WhatsApp +27 81 759 0191(no reply service – subscriptions only) |  www.iskcondurban.net  |  temple@iskcondurban.net   
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DurbanKrishna  |  Twitter: http://twitter.com/DurbanKrishna  | SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/durbankrishna  | Instagram: DurbanKrishna (@durbankrishna) https://instagram/durbankrishna/