His Grace Vibhu Caitanya Prabhu says “Thank You” to our youth:
Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
When an old man has something to say or share, no one takes him seriously. But when the same message comes from a young boy, then everyone becomes enlivened. I was certainly enlivened to see our youth host the Sunday Love Feast yesterday. Thank you for arranging and executing the programme so beautifully. I know that Srila Prabhupada will be proud of all of you. I also commend you on raising enough funds to host His Grace Agnidev Prabhu, the famous kirtaneer, at our temple in July.
Also, thank our to seasoned devotees for supporting our youth.
Your servant
Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
When an old man has something to say or share, no one takes him seriously. But when the same message comes from a young boy, then everyone becomes enlivened. I was certainly enlivened to see our youth host the Sunday Love Feast yesterday. Thank you for arranging and executing the programme so beautifully. I know that Srila Prabhupada will be proud of all of you. I also commend you on raising enough funds to host His Grace Agnidev Prabhu, the famous kirtaneer, at our temple in July.
Also, thank our to seasoned devotees for supporting our youth.
Your servant
Vibhu Caitanya Das
Dear Friends,
You are invited every evening at 7pm for kirtan and Srimad Bhagavatam recital during Purushottama Maas. His Grace Mahatma Prabhu arrives today. Prabhu is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada since 1970. He has been facilitating japa and other workshops and retreats over the last ten years. His enthusiasm, self-directive teaching style, and insightful knowledge of human nature make his workshops life changing. Mahatma Prabhu’s schedule:
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
Wednesday, 24 June at 7pm
“The Art of Cooperation”
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
Saturday, 27 June at 10am – 12pm
Sunday, 28 June at 3pm – 5pm
“Devotee Relationships”
New Jagannath Puri Temple
Saturday, 27 June at 2pm – 5pm
Sunday, 28 June at 8:30am – 11am
Week Ahead
Tuesday, 23 June
7:00pm Northdene Nama-hatta with His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami
Northdene Primary School
63 Schooldale Road, Nirvana Hills
Wednesday, 24 June
7:00pm Japa Samskaras by Mahatma Das
Vyasa-puja of His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
Note that Maharaja will be personally present.
New Jagannath Puri Temple
All Welcome
Saturday, 27 June
10:00am “The Art of Cooperation” Part 1
Sunday, 28 June
Fast from all grains, beans and legumes
3:00pm “The Art of Cooperation” Part 2
Monday, 29 June
Break fast: 06:52 – 07:34
Tuesday, 30 June
7:00pm Evening Talk
What is Maya by His Grace Radha Giridhari Das
Everyone is invited to submit an offering to Srila Prabhupada.
Offerings are to glorify, offer praise and gratitude to our Founder Acharya.
Deadline: Wednesday, 1 July
Send to: spvp2015@gmail.com
More details on poster below.
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As always, we look forward to seeing you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
T: 031 4033328 | F: 031 4034429 | WhatsApp +27 81 759 0191(no reply service – subscriptions only) | www.iskcondurban.net | temple@iskcondurban.net
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