Week Ahead 23 -30 May

Dear Friends,

BT 30:05:2015 GeneralSri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple launches Bhakti Theatre next Saturday, 30 May at 4:30pm. Bhakti Theatre is inspired by His Holiness Bhaktimarg Swami. Maharaja felt that we have a beautiful amphitheatre that can be used to bring people together in a relaxed devotional atmosphere. Bhakti Theatre is for friends and families looking to spend a lovely afternoon/evening with quality spiritual entertainment. Acts include comedy, dance, music, drama, puppet theatre that will be exclusive to Bhakti Theatre. We are especially proud to announce that India Tourism have brought two highly accomplished Kuchipudi dancers and four musicians to South Africa and will be part of the line up. Kuchipudi is traditional dance from South India.
There is a nominal cover charge of R10 per person (under 5s are free).
BYS Cafe will have light meals, snacks and drink for sale. There will also be gopis dots, face painting and mendhi. Proceeds goes towards the university cultivation programme. 
Bhakti Theatre will take place every last Saturday of the month. Each show will be unique and new. We look forward to your support.  
You can prebook seats and picnic baskets: temple@iskcondurban.net
Bhakti Yoga Society Fundraiser
(BYS – university cultivation programme) is hosting a fundraiser on Sunday, 24 May from 10am – 5pm. Show your support to our students. 
Car Wash Service
Students will personally valet your car in the safety of the temple property (behind the men’s ashram). 
Cake Sale
Delicious biscuits and cakes baked by students. At the main entrance to the temple.  
Please find His Grace Vibhu Caitanya Prabhu’s President’s message below.
Saturday, 23 May
3:00pm Maha-Harinam on the Durban Beachfront
Dress in your finest Vaishnava attire and join in the chanting.
Sunday, 24 May
3:00pm Love Feast (His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami will give class if his health allows.)
BCEC Bhakti Sastri – Module 1
Course facilitator: Lognath Maharaj
Duration :18 sessions of two hours each
Venue: SSRRT College Room
Day: Saturdays
Date:  6 June 2015 (provisional)
Time: 12pm – 2pm (provisional)
Cost: R100 per module
Please call 0844106769
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If you would like to receive updates please subscribe to +27817590191. When saving the number include the plus sign to receive news from ISKCON Durban. Save the number as SSRRT News.
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DurbanKrishna (@durbankrishna) https://instagram/durbankrishna/
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As always, we look forward to seeing you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
T: 031 4033328  |  F: 031 4034429  | WhatsApp +27 81 759 0191(no reply service – subscriptions only) |  www.iskcondurban.net  |  temple@iskcondurban.net   
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DurbanKrishna  |  Twitter: http://twitter.com/DurbanKrishna  | SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/durbankrishna  | Instagram: DurbanKrishna (@durbankrishna) https://instagram/durbankrishna/