Week Ahead 27 June – 3 July 2019

Dear Friends
Sri Vyasa-puja Offerings
Sunday 30 June is the last chance to submit your Vyasa-puja offering to Srila Prabhupada. Take advantage of this opportunity and express your heartfelt appreciation for the Founder-Acarya of the International Society For Krishna Consciousness. Submit your offering online. The link is at the bottom of this mail.
The Week Ahead
Thursday 27 June @7pm
Remembering His Grace Pusta Krishna Das
Pusta Krishna Prabhu, a pioneering devotee in the development of ISKCON South Africa passed away on Monday 24 June. You are invited to honour his memory and contribution to our Yatra by attending a special kirtan evening. Light prasad will be served at 8:30pm.
Friday 28 June
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans & legumes.
Saturday 29 June
Ekadasi Break Fast 09:08-10:16
Monthly Sankirtan Festival @9am
The Monthly Sankirtan Festival is a great way to experience the joy of living and sharing bhakti-yoga. Try your hand at introducing someone to Krishna consciousness in quality company & conversation, and have a phenomenal experience. The festival finishes at 1:30pm with a feast.
Bhakti Theatre Winter Spectacular @5pm
It’s Bhakti Theatre’s 4th Anniversary Show!
The show begins at 5pm sharp, so come in early, grab a ticket, order your meal at BYS Cafe, and get comfortable for an evening of spirit-tainment.
It will be chilly so please dress warm and bring blankets and cushions. BYS (Bhakti Yoga Society) Cafe will provide light meals, snacks, and drinks. Note that Govinda’s Pizzeria will be open.
5:00pm Thabla & Flute Duo – Veelan and Shyam Krishna
5:30pm Dance by Merilyn Manikam
5:35pm Dance Drama – The Boy Who Lived
6:15pm Thillana – A Dance by Merilyn Manikam
6:25pm Muscial Drama – The Messenger
Entry is a minimum donation of R30. Tickets are available at Radhanath’s Gifts and Manilal Ratanjee. All proceeds go to the theatre and the university cultivation programme. Kindly give generously.
Sunday 30 June 
Love Feast @11am
Masterclass – How to Write A Vyasa-puja Offering to Srila Prabhupada
with Her Grace Champakalata Devi Dasi
Tuesday 2 July
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s Disappearance Anniversary
Fast until midday
Festival will begin at 11:30am
Save the Date
Tongaat Festival of Chariots
4-7 July
Some highlights of this year’s festival:

1. Chariot Parade on Saturday 6 July at 10:30am starting at Vishwaroop Temple.
2. Free vegetarian feast served on all 4 days.
3. Variety of kids activities including Mickey Mouse and Barney.
4. Govinda’s takeaway.
5. Kirtan by the campfire.
6. Gopi dots, mendhi, & face painting.
7. Free entertainment featuring Keeran Eshwarlall and Karthiegasen Pillay, live bands, plays, dance, and international guest speakers His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami and His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami.