Dear Friends
Bhakti Theatre joins The Playhouse Company’s 2018 Community Arts Festival
“The Fire-born Princess” has been selected to be part of The Playhouse Company’s 2018 Community Arts Festival (CAF). There were 60 applicants of which 18 were chosen to feature at the festival this year. The festival runs from 5-20 October. All the shows are free but booking is essential. The Fire-born Princess will be staged on Saturday 13 October @2pm. If you would like to reserve a seat, kindly Whatsapp Rukmini 084 579 1080 or email with your name and surname.
Your Week Ahead
Thursday 27 September
Lotus Park Nama-hatta @6:30pm
with His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami
Contact Doyal Caitanya 083 557 1062
with His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami
Contact Doyal Caitanya 083 557 1062
Newlands Nama-hatta @7pm
with His Holiness Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Rohininandan 072 472 2736
Friday 28 September
LaMercy Nama-hatta @7pm
with Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Mahaprasad 081 517 8995
with Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Mahaprasad 081 517 8995
Saturday 29 September
Monthly Sankirtan Festival
Join the family business this Saturday. The Monthly Sankirtan Festival is a great way to experience the joy of living and sharing bhakti-yoga. Try your hand at introducing someone to Krishna consciousness in quality company, quality conversation, and have a phenomenal experience.
Sunday 30 September
Sri Sri Doyal Nitai-Gaurahari Temple 1st Anniversary @9am
corner of Olympia Way & Bombay Road
Don’t miss this wonderful celebration with Ram Govinda Swami. Festival includes a Pushpa Abhishek (flower bathing ceremony) and the Deities will be dressed in a flower outfit.
Need a lift? Take advantage of the bus service:
Depart for ISKCON PMB: 8am from SSRRT
Depart for SSRRT: 2pm from ISKCON PMB
Depart for ISKCON PMB: 8am from SSRRT
Depart for SSRRT: 2pm from ISKCON PMB
Contact Nityananda Pran 084 524 6754
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple Love Feast @3pm
with Partha Sarathi Das Goswami
Monday 1 October
Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the United States
Merebank Nama-hatta @7pm
with Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Panchamrita 084 441 5647
with Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Panchamrita 084 441 5647
Tuesday 2 October
Umkomaas Nama-hatta @6:30pm
with Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Amit 084 466 9920
with Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Amit 084 466 9920
Dates to Note
Thursday 4 October
Lotus Park Nama-hatta @6:30pm
with Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Doyal Caitanya 083 557 1062
with Ram Govinda Swami
Contact Doyal Caitanya 083 557 1062
Friday 5 October
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans, and legumes
Saturday 6 October
Ekadasi Break Fast: 05:28-09:39
Sri Vyasa-puja of His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami
New Jagannath Puri Temple @5pm