Dear Friends
Week Ahead
Saturday 30 March
Monthly Sankirtan Festival 9am-1pm
The Monthly Sankirtan Festival is a great way to experience the joy of living and sharing bhakti-yoga. Try your hand at introducing someone to Krishna consciousness in quality company, quality conversation, and have a phenomenal experience. Register:
Sunday 31 March
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans & legumes.
Love Feast @11am
with His Grace Nashvin Gangaram
Monday 1 April
Ekadasi Break Fast 09:14-10:01
Saturday 6 April
Ramayana Week Begins
Women’s Forum @3pm
Line-up includes kirtan, discussion on the glories of the Ramayana, a cooking demo, wellness tips, and prasad.
RSVP essential: 031 403 3328 (o/h) or WhatsApp 062 526 3606
ISKCON Newcastle Ratha-yatra @9:30am
Newcastle Town Hall, Scott Street
Call 034 312 3369 for inquiries