Week Ahead 16 – 23 July

Week Ahead
Dear Friends,
Hare Krishna!

I fondly remember our beloved Nelson Mandela enjoying the ‘Madiba jive’ on stage at the Festival for the Children of the Rainbow Nation in 1997, a major Food For Life initiative which Madiba billed as ‘one of the happiest days of his life’.  With Mandela Day being globally celebrated on Friday, 18 July the Sri Sri Radha Radhanatha Temple will host a special evening kirtan to ‘Chant for Peace’.  

Interestingly the Nelson Mandela Foundation focuses on many areas that Srila Prabhupada emphasised:

  • Food Security: Our Food for Life programme, Sunday Love Feasts and several outreach programmes feed the hungry on a daily basis. More especially in line with Srila Prabhupada’s desire, ISKCON has many self-sufficient farm communities across the world and Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple has begun the process of acquiring a farm in Thornville.
  • Education & Literacy: Bhaktivedanta College of Education and Culture; daily temple programmes with classes based on Srila Prabupada’s books, The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, Youth Development programmes including Bhakti Yoga Society on campuses, Krishna’s Kids Retreats; are all tools used to educate on topics based on mind, body and soul.
  • Shelter & Infrastructure: ‘My temple, Our  temple, Srila Prabhupada’s family’ – a wonderful motto to show that we have a central home and welcome people from all walks of life.  We help build communities, and are now working on a wonderful restoration programme for the Sri Sri Radha Radhanatha Temple.
  • Service & Volunteerism: One of the main tenets of the Vedas is service to God.  At the temple there are several service opportunities available to serve God and the community.
We invite you, not only on Mandela Day but whenever you feel inspired to offer your time and talent to become a part of the temple operations and serve the community as best as you can.  Please feel free to contact the temple to see how you can help on Mandela Day and thereafter.

With best wishes,

Krsangi Radhe Dasi
Communications Officer
Your Week Ahead
Friday, 18 July
Join in the 67 minutes of “Chant for Peace” at 7:00pm.
Mantra is infused with special potency to change the minds and hearts of people. We hope that as many people as possible will come and chant with us for the upliftment of our country. 
Saturday, 19 July
Harinam & Book Distribution
10:00amStarting in Victoria Street Market
Sunday, 20 July
3:00pmLove Feast with His Holiness Partha Sarathi Das Goswami honouring The incorporation of ISKCON in New York
Workshop on Deity Workshop for Beginners with His Grace Swarup Damodar Prabhu from 11:00am – 12:30pm
Tuesday, 22 July
Fast from all beans, grains and legumes
Wednesday, 23 July
Break Fast  06:46 – 10:17
Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa-puja Book 2014
You are invited to share your appreciation to Srila Prabhupada by writing an offering/homage for the 2014 Vyasa-puja book.  Please send your offerings to ACBSP2014@gmail.com no later than 25th July. Please note that to meet the printer deadline, there will be no extensions. There is no cost. All enquiries: Haridev Das 039 978 3000
Devotees in the Ukraine require urgent assistance. Please go to https://sites.google.com/a/niranjanaswami.org/ukrainian-vaisnava-refugee-fund/
There is a vacancy in the administration department at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple for a full time position involving general administration, including administration of donor and devotee cultivation programmes, and management of employed staff. We are looking for a devotee with strong interpersonal and administrative skills, who can serve with limited supervision. Expected working times are from 8am to 4.30pm from Monday to Friday. Please submit your application in the form of a brief CV to ramvijay@iskcondurban.net by Sunday, 20th July 2014.
As always, we look forward to seeing you and hope this finds you in the best spirits,
Your friends at Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple
T: 031 4033328  |  F: 031 4034429  |  www.iskcondurban.net  |  temple@iskcondurban.net