Author: admin

Diwali Sweets at Govinda’s

For the finest quality Diwali sweets come to the temple. Govinda’s Diwali Sweet trading times: daily, 10.30am-8pm and on Sunday, 10.30am-2pm. You will also be able to purchase your 2014 calendars, which make excellent Diwali gifts, and Kartik packs at Govinda’s.  

Week Ahead 30 October – 6 November

Dear Friends, The Temple will be hosting 120 underprivileged children aged between 6-13years on Sunday, 3 November. The programme includes a temple tour, offering lamps to Lord Damodar, kirtan, fun activities and a vegetarian meal. You are invited to assist by contacting Divesh 074 162 6834.   For the finest quality Diwali sweets come to the temple.  Govinda’s Diwali more »

Week Ahead 24-30 October 2013

Dear Friends,   The Temple is a hive of activity with many people coming in throughout the day to offer lamps to Lord Damodar. To those of you in anxiety writing or preparing for exams, remember that chanting the holy name steadies the mind and heart and prepares you for the ultimate test in life. The temple more »