Week Ahead 6 – 12 January

Here we go again!

screen-shot-2017-01-03-at-4-03-22-pmDear Friend
Sri Sri Radha Radhanath Temple, as a final offering in celebration of 50 years of ISKCON, set a goal of distributing 40000 of Srila Prabhupada’s books during the 2016 Prabhupada Marathon. We are pleased to announce that not only did we surpass that goal but reached 50000 books. 50000 Books for 50 years of ISKCON! Thank you to all who helped us get there.
Your Week Ahead
Sunday, 8 January
Love Feast @ 3pm

with His Grace Smita Krishna Das
Monday, 9 January
Fast from all grains, beans & legumes.
Tuesday, 10 January
Ekadasi Break Fast 05:05 – 09:44
Govinda’s Pizzeria Trading Days & Timings
Friday, 6 January 5 – 8pm
Saturday, 7 January 4 – 9pm
Sunday, 8 January 11am – 3pm
22cm Margherita for R30
Extra Toppings: Olives / Jalapenos / Double Cheese – R7 / Chili Sauce – R4