Dear Friends

The Jahnava Dasis, headed by Rukmini, have secured book tables in various malls. If you are able to dedicate some time to assist, kindly contact her: 084 579 1080.
Your Week Ahead
Saturday, 10 December
Gita Jayanti
Ekadasi – Fast from all grains, beans and legumes.
Weekly Marathon Sankirtan Festival
(Note: this Festival continues every Saturday until December 24th.)
Join us for a day of book distribution. All you need to do is register and turn up. Register via or 031 403 3328. We will arrange a team for you to join, books, a book spot, and transport. The dress code is comfortable. If you feel confident, you may wear devotional dress. We encourage you to come for the morning program to get the full benefit of the festival.
Sankirtan Festival Line up:
4:30am Morning Programme Begins
7:30am Book Distribution Class
8:15am Breakfast
9:00am Team allocation & selection of book distribution spots
9:30am Leave for Book Distribution (Devotees will be going out in groups)
1:00pm Pack up and return to Temple
1:30pm Lunch and realizations
Bhagavad-gita Maha-yajna @ 9am
You are invited to come and chant the 700 verses of the Bhagavad-gita. You can bring your own copy of Bhagavad-gita or purchase one at the temple. Hard cover for R60 and deluxe version for R70.
Sunday, 11 December
Ekadasi break fast: 04:48 – 09:29
3pm Love Feast with His Grace Ramanujacharya Das
ISKCON Ladysmith celebrates ISKCON 50 @ 9:30am
Hare Krishna Temple
19 Azalea Drive, Ladysmith
inquiries: 084 610 8666